New-brunswick > New York (Manhattan). posted Thursday, 24 December 2020 , Visits 330

Offer Type: Offering

Category: Santé, beauté

City: New York (Manhattan)

CARAWAY ESSENTIAL OIL The health benefits of Caraway Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as a galactogogue, anti-histaminic, antiseptic, cardiac, anti-spasmodic, carminative, digestive, stomachic, disinfectant, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, aperitif, astringent, insecticide, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge substance. The essential oil of Caraway is extracted from the seeds of the caraway plant. Caraway is scientifically known as Carum Carvi. Sometimes, it is also labeled with the scientific name Apium Carvi. Caraway seeds are very popular as a spice, particularly in Europe and on the Indian Subcontinent. N°200 Lot Elmassar,Zone industrielle SidiGhanem Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech, Tel: +212524355671 MOB : +212664511976 Fax: +212524457961 Email: Website : link

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