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Pizza Franchise Quebec based AhuntsicCartierville RK0166

Quebec > Montreal. posted Monday, 15 April 2019 , Visits 314

Offer Type: Offering

Category: Commerciaux, industriels

City: Montreal

Very popular Quebec Pizza Franchise needs a hands on owner operator - exp Completely renovated in 2016 - well established - nothing to do Transfer and training fees: ($22,500.00 plus $5,000.00 Plus GST/PST PRICE: $475,000.00 Plus Inventory: $20,000.00 Bldg 1.6M SIZE: 3800SF Les Immeubles – Mercantile Realty 300, boulevard, Marcel-Laurin, suite 121A, Saint-Laurent, Québec, H4M 2L4 Bureau (office): 514-312-0196 /Télécopieur (fax): 514-312-0197 Courriels (e-mails): info@kailashpatel.com / kailash@videotron.ca Sites: link / link

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