New-brunswick > New York (Manhattan). posted Thursday, 24 December 2020 , Visits 308

Offer Type: Offering

Category: Santé, beauté

City: New York (Manhattan)

Thyme herb belongs to the family of Lamiaceae, of the genus of Thymus. Thyme has numerous types with different health benefits and uses ranging from medicine to culinary arts. It is a perennial shrub with a thin woody base and square stems. It reaches about 15 to 30 cm in lengt, featuring small , light-green with paler underneath, slightly curved aromatic leaves. Small,fragrant ,lilac or white color flowers appear in summer. The other widely used types of Thyme are : Lemon Thyme , caraway thyme , and wild thyme. We can summarize thyme’s herbs health benefits to the following : Thyme has antiseptic and antifungal characteristics. Thyme has Iron , potassium, calcium ,manganese ,magnesium and selenium. Thyme is a rich source of important vitamins such as B-complex vitamins , vitamine A , vitamine K , vitamine 3, vitamine C and folic acid. Thyme boosts the immunity system Thyme fights cholesterol and some neurological diseases. At Bioprogreen Morocco ,we offer the best and most clean type of Thyme in Morocco. We can ship your order wherever you are in the world, whether in bulk ,wholesale or individual items. We also provide a private labeling service for all our business partners who plan to resell the product abroad.

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