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VolunteerSite Operations

Ontario > Ottawa. posted Thursday, 31 March 2016 , Visits 419

Offer Type: Offering

Category: Bénévoles

City: Ottawa

Do you enjoy physical work and working outdoors? The 2016 Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, which is taking place from June 23rd-26th is looking for volunteers within our Site Operations Crew. Site operations volunteers help implement the logistics of the site. The event requires a large amount of effort to arrange, set up and deliver equipment before we open. There are also several areas where site-operation volunteers are working during the Festival days assisting in moving, managing, and working with equipment and resources for the Festival. Tasks could be physically demanding and may require teamwork. Responsibilities of the Site Operations – Set Up/Take Down-Volunteers Set-up and/or tear-down equipment and other items Set up tables/chairs, decorate tents and remove tables/chairs Clean, hang up and take down signage Ensure items do not get stolen or damaged Deliver resources to different festival areas Take inventory of paddles, life jackets, tools, etc. Responsibilities of the Site Operations – Beer Delivery Help unload kegs off the beer truck and onto the site. Responsibilities of the Site Operations – Stage Crew Work with our Production Manager to set up multiple stages on site. Volunteers in this section must provide their own steel toed boots Position involves heavy lifting Volunteers may rotate positions within Site Operations as required. Responsibilities of the Site Operations – Hospitality Crew Check passes upon entry Keep food and drink inventory replenished Ensure site remains free of litter Please register as a volunteer with us at link

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Price :Free