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Volunteers Wanted Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival

Ontario > Ottawa. posted Wednesday, 23 October 2019 , Visits 351

Offer Type: Wanted

Category: Bénévoles

City: Ottawa

On February 7 and 8, 2020, over 100 teams from around the world will descend on Canada’s Capital to compete in the world’s largest Ice Dragon Boat Festival on the world’s largest skating rink. Boats equipped with skate-like blades will race along a 200-meter course propelled by athletes using spiked icepicks. You don`t get to be the world`s largest Ice Dragon Boat Festival without the world`s best volunteers! The festival is looking for help with site operations, team staging, crowd management, photography and more. Sign-up today and get ready for the experience of a lifetime!! Visit icedragonboat.ca/volunteer for a list of available positions, FAQs, and to submit your application. What: Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival When: Friday, February 7th and Saturday, February 8th Where: Dow`s Lake, Rideau Canal Skateway, Ottawa Why: unique experience (the boats have skates), make new friends (hundreds of volunteers help make the event a success each year!), create new memories (teams are coming from all over the world), complete your volunteer hours

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Price :Free